Cannabis Gift Guide

Now that recreational cannabis is fully legal and storefronts are all around, buying gifts for your smoker friend has never been easier. 

You don’t have to be a cannabis expert yourself to shop. Gummies, vapes, smoking accessories, even merch — these are all easy ideas that are sure to please anybody interested in THC and CBD. If you could use some help, however, we’re here for you! 

Here are some great ideas for your cannabis connoisseur friend.

Goodnight Honey
4203 E. Centre Ave., Portage

Gummies and chocolates aren’t the only edibles around. Doja offers tons of options to the Kalamazoo area, but check out this incredibly versatile infused honey. Put it in your tea, on your dinner, with a dessert, or even in your cereal! Although, this Goodnight Honey also has CBN, which will put you right to bed.

Bléised Edibles

If your friend isn’t taking big rips and hitting dabs every night, maybe they don’t need the most intense edible ever. Instead, try Bléised (pronounced blazed), gummies, best suited for microdosing — that means taking multiple low dosage edibles throughout the day, to keep the high mild and looong.

Carbon by Fluresh
1213 Phillips Ave. SW, Grand Rapids

Weed is everywhere (and thank god), but if you want to get some premium flower, try Carbon by Fluresh, a new premium line from the GR-based company. The focus here is on carefully cultivated and handled cannabis, “from seed to smoke.” Optimized environment, hang-dried whole, extended cure time, and no mechanical trimmers — what more can you ask for?

CBD Patch
Green Wellness Life
9175 Cherry Valley Ave. SE, Caledonia

Whether you like THC or not, CBD is for everyone! One easy way to get your CBD in is one of these 96-hour (that’s a long time) patches from Pure Ratios, dispensing 40 mg of the calming cannabinoid per patch. Your friend can just slap it on, kick back, and relax!

Pre-Roll Pack
Lake Effected
8314 Portage Rd., Portage

One of the best gifts someone can give me is a full joint, already rolled. Luckily, at Lake Effected, they have a number of pre-roll packs, filled with 5-10 joints from manufacturers like Lake Life, Terrapin and Trivium. Make everyone’s life easy with a box of pre-rolls.

Anointing Formula
Premier Hemp Co.

CBD isn’t just for ingesting — it also works wonders on your body, from sore muscles to inflammation. This oil from Dr. Dave is actually based on the Biblical holy anointing oil recipe, but you don’t have to be religious for CBD to work its miracles. Give this to your friend who’s always cracking their joints and doing weird stretches.

Mint Chocolate Chip
New Standard
Multiple locations

New Standard has multiple locations, all filled with tons of great cannabis options. Their flower lineup is killer, such as this Mint Chocolate Chip strain from Apothecare. It’s super heady and psychedelic, but more uniquely, it tastes like super yummy cookies, hence the name. Time for some dessert — any time of the day.

The Woods Reserve
Terrapin Care Station

Terrapin has been around since 2009, so you know they know their stuff. If you want to get a special gift, look for Terrapin's The Woods Reserve products. This is the top-of-the-line, small-batch grown, exotic genetics cannabis that a connoisseur would love to try. Vibrant, dense buds carefully procured and then finished to perfection with an extended curing process.

Get Some Merch
Shakedown Street
670 Leonard St. NW, Grand Rapids

Maybe you don’t know what your friend likes to smoke or how they like to smoke it, but you DO know what they like to wear. Head to Shakedown Street and get them 4/20 friendly T-shirts, tie-dye clothes, handcrafted jewelry and much more. And hey, maybe you’ll find the perfect bong while you’re at it!

Reefer Madness Pen Set
Rebel GR
1555 Wealthy St. SE, Grand Rapids

Now that weed is legal, we’re free to really have some fun with it. It may seem silly, but your cannabis-loving friend will love gifts like this Reefer Madness pen set, featuring green pens with sayings like “Nugs and Kisses” and “Home is Where the Weed is.” Make sure your friend never forgets what’s most important in life: Cannabis. ν