After recreational cannabis was legalized in Michigan in late 2018, dispensaries slowly started cropping up. Fast forward to 2025, and there are shops eve-ry-where. A rough headcount puts the number at around 15-20 just in the immediate Grand Rapids area.
That’s a testament to just how much people like to get high. Or relax. Or sleep better. Or manage pain or anxiety. Or just lube their social interactions a little. While alcohol was once the predominant way many people loosened up, more and more are turning to cannabis for that and more.
This gravitation was already happening, with cultural (and generational) norms that emphasize drinking shifting to more people becoming sober curious or seeking buzz alternatives. But, with the recent federal report that came out about the negative health effects of even moderate alcohol use, many people found that news, well, sobering. And others didn’t. And that’s where the phrase “you do you” comes in. We’re just here to give the scoop on what’s going on out there—and some tips on what to look for if you’re interested in subbing out a bevvie for an eddie.
No better person to talk to than Casey Kornoelje, owner of Pharmhouse Wellness, which was the second dispensary to open in Grand Rapids—and still a big player in the game. They’re not only one of the rare 100% locally owned shops; they’re also the only social equity program operator in the city. They do a lot in and for the community, and you should definitely check out their story on
Are you seeing a trend of people drinking less these days and leaning more on cannabis, in the industry as well as at your shop?
Yes, we are seeing a fair amount migrating toward cannabis versus alcohol, with many reporting that the side effects of alcohol outweigh its benefits. They are looking for an alternative that is less taxing on the body and mind.
What are you recommending to your customers who want something akin to that kind of buzz or are just looking to replace alcohol with a cannabis product?
Depending on an individual’s tolerance, we generally steer someone toward a ratioed cannabinoid gummy or edible. Ratioed edibles do not contain solely THC. They can be a ratio of THC to : CBD, THCA, or CBN, to name a few other cannabinoids. These types of edibles can be a nice fit for someone who doesn’t want to be zonked out or get too high, or is seeking specific effects, like sleep. Other cannabinoids often help to offset THC’s psychoactive properties. CBD, for example, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. Consuming it will not get you high. When combined with THC it has a tendency to counter psychoactivity and make it less intense, which is perfect for those who are sensitive to THC.
Recognizing that everyone’s body is different, what are some general guidelines?
Someone looking to replace a glass of wine or 1-2 beers for relaxation may consider experimenting with a ratioed edible in the 1-5mg range. A few words of advice: Give yourself at least an hour after consuming edibles before going back in for more. That hour of time ensures your body absorbs the cannabis, and feels its effects. You can also cut edibles in half or quarters to further lower the dose. Start low and go slow!
With so many dispensaries in the region, what do you want people to know about the state of business?
This March, Pharmhouse celebrates our five-year anniversary, which seems like an eternity in the cannabis industry. In that time, we’ve experienced distinct phases: Growth marked by early entry to market, stability as those markets mature, and hyper-competitive, “saturated” environments where share has been divvied up. That latter stage is where I think we find most Michigan cannabis markets in 2025. We have been able to navigate these ebbs and flows with a few key ingredients:
- Aspiring to slow, organic growth marked by low leverage (modest debt).
- Retaining a core team that enjoys the work, and cares about the vision of the company.
- Developing relationships in the community and with key vendors to support business needs.
We are grateful for the support and love we feel in Grand Rapids. It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s a journey that we take a tremendous amount of pride in. We hope you’ll check us out someday and help keep craft, independent cannabis alive. Peace out y’all!