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Get Out: Your Monthly Guide to What's Great in the Great Outdoors.
Our guide to events, goings-on and things to do in Grand Rapids and all around West Michigan for the month of July.
Are you looking for fun things to do, experiences, attractions and events in Grand Rapids? We’ve got you covered.
What’s better than sitting at Global Infusion on a Monday morning sipping a chai? Getting to share that moment with Marcus Thomas Johns, a/k/a La Reine Divine, a local drag queen who’s been performing for nearly a decade.
I feel like I’m starting to notice a pattern with these stories… like, something happens that is kind of unexpected, or possibly a little worrisome, but by the end everything works out just fine.
I’m going to go on a slight tangent here for a sec, because I had this huge a-ha about a week ago while watching a talk show where one of the guests was monologuing about the importance of people getting out of the house.
If you’re headed anywhere in Michigan this summer, there’s a good chance you’ll end up on one of the state’s iconic roads or byways, especially if you stay along the coastline or any of the many waterways—or go just about anywhere in the UP.
Comedian Shane Mauss doesn’t want to just make you laugh with his show “A Better Trip,” he wants to expand your mind.
Our guide to events, goings-on and things to do in Grand Rapids and all around West Michigan for the month of July.
Every time the warm weather rolls around, we all remember why we decide to keep living in Michigan.
From Tulip Time to lakeshore access, the city of Holland is a West Michigan gem. Its Dutch history charms every cobblestone corner of Downtown, and it boasts some of the state’s most beautiful landscapes.
As adults in Beer City, it can be easy to forget that there’s so much more to do with your friends than just bars and restaurants.
Summer is in full swing, the kids are home from school, and there are only so many times they can bike around the neighborhood.