Sometimes, you want to go all out. And with these boozy concoctions, your version of going all out doesn’t have to go beyond a cocktail glass.
Sweet, heavy on the liquor, pricy enough to make it something special, we’ve got you covered with options spread across West Michigan.
Enjoy, and don’t blame us for the hangover.
West Michigan is known for craft breweries, but we also have a growing craft distillery scene. In the spirit of St. Patrick, we focused on craft whiskeys this month. Get the low-down on where to get your hands on the wares of local distilleries as well as where you can find a drink list with more than 250 whiskeys.
A night out drinking can be fun. But you know what's NOT fun? Drinking and driving. Seriously, guys. Don't do it. Call one of these cab companies instead.
Speak never, friends and loyal readers (both of you), that I’ve not drank within an establishment dubbed by a designation of hat, lest they be put asunder. The fallacious malalignment could not be further from its proper port of purpose.
"A place that celebrates the art and craft of producing a high-quality pizza." This is the vision for Whistle Punk Pizza, a new restaurant in downtown Muskegon with a name inspired by the town's lumbering history ("whistle punk" is what the newest member of a logging camp was called.)
If your date's a total mush-head but you're not, you might be in trouble. But as the saying goes, you can fake it until you make it and that's where we're here to help. If you are clueless in the romance department, expectations might already be low. Wow your date by taking them to one of these romantic dining locales.
I command these words to paper with hand atremble. Found am I, perched ad precarium aboard a barstool in a veritable Elysian Field of fine quaff. For certainly, no concoction of the wrangled Terra could formulate such fine a philter as that which I now quaff: The Dry Agent.
You may be an adult, but you're never too old to take Mom's advice, especially when it comes to eating right. Getting your daily quota of greens (and reds, yellows, oranges and beyond) doesn't have to feel like a chore. In fact, we've found some tasty loopholes for you. Make the prospect of eating your veggies a whole lot more exciting with these unconventional drinks and desserts.
Comfort food lovers, great news — Grand Rapids' thriving culinary scene continues to expand with the addition of two new barbeque restaurants this year.
Yep, it's still cold out, and it's not getting warmer anytime soon. (We're in this together, people.) Along with the urge to hunker down and cozy up, try adding a little heat with food and drink. Seek out these hot-and-spicy options to get your insides back up to normal temps. They're bound to make you feel at least a little better about being in the dead of winter.